信仰 » St. 莫洛凯岛的达米安

St. 莫洛凯岛的达米安

向圣祈祷. 达明


我请求你打开我的心扉, to care for the poor, the sick, the weary, and those forgotten.

赐给我内心信仰的力量, 无条件的怜悯,成为基督的门徒.

作为一个斯巴达人, 我是神谦卑的仆人, 用你爱的精神保佑我 给我灌输治愈和优雅的感觉 你自己拥有的.

圣达明... 为我们祷告.

St. 莫洛凯岛的达米安

约瑟夫·德·维斯特, 世人皆知的达米恩神父, 你是1月3日出生的吗, 1840, 在Tremeloo, (离鲁汶不远)比利时. 2月2日, 1859, he followed in the footsteps of his brother Pamphile by entering 圣心会 of Jesus and Mary; and on October 7, 1860, he made his religious profession choosing the name of 达明.

1863年10月, 达米安的哥哥, 父亲Pamphile, who had been assigned to the 神圣的心 任务 in Hawaii, 得了斑疹伤寒. 达明, 尚未被任命, 恳求被允许取代他哥哥的位置, 获得了许可.

继五月二十一日祝圣为圣职后, 1864, 在檀香山的和平圣母大教堂, 达明 spent the next eight years in the district of Kohala on the Island of Hawaii. 1872年7月, 达明 wrote to the Father General that many of his parishioners had been sent to the Leper Settlement on 莫洛凯岛; he spoke of an “undeniable feeling that soon I shall join them.”


When 达明 first arrived on the Island of 莫洛凯岛 on May 10, 1873, 这种情况, 用罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森的话来说, 是, 一个可怜的地方,一个地狱般的住所.” Lepers were sent there to rot and die, and no attempt 是 made to cure or arrest the disease. 麻风病人是社会的弃儿, 与他们所爱的人分离, suffering from a disease considered loathsome and unclean, 几乎被医学界抛弃了, and without even the comfort of any but the most infrequent religious services. 他们很容易屈服于冷漠和绝望. 许多, 沮丧到绝望的地步, seized upon anything that would give them a moment's surcease - alcohol, 赌博, 淫荡的跳舞, and debauchery - and their cry of welcome as boatload after boatload of new patients arrived, 是, “在这个地方没有法律.” 达明 wrote, “The Settlement absolutely has to have a priest . . . 我认为奉献自己是我的责任 . . . 我愿意为麻风病患者奉献我的生命. 病人乘船来了. 他们成群结队地死去 . . . I become a leper with lepers, in order to win them all for Jesus Christ. 当我讲道时,我习惯说:“我们麻风病人!"

For sixteen years - from 1873 to 1889 - Father 达明 ministered to the lepers, bringing as much material and spiritual comfort to them as he could. His self-imposed duties included anything that would help or comfort them, 从包扎伤口, 做棺材, 从挖坟墓到建教堂, 听到忏悔, 做弥撒. He went to considerable trouble in making a much-needed fresh-water supply available for the settlement. 他用普通的碗吃饭, 麻风病人准备的食物, smoked the common pipe passed from mouth to mouth and used tools which were commonly owned. 的确如此,用圣. 保罗说:“一切都归众人.”

“From morning till night,” he wrote, “I am surrounded by terrible physical and moral miseries. However, I try to have a certain gaiety to build their courage.“在这方面的努力,他当然是成功的. The presence of this concerned and good-natured priest completely changed the atmosphere of the settlement. The poor people quickly sensed that they had a true friend. 他们不再是孤儿了. 一股希望的浪潮席卷了整个殖民地. They were no longer those who society had conveniently chosen to forget, because 达明 has opened the eyes of the world to the needs and sufferings of millions of lepers and had thereby stirred many to the generous support of work on their behalf.


达米安神父真是圣餐的传道者. This love he had for the Eucharist 是 transmitted to the lepers. He brought them to closer union with their Maker through the beautiful liturgies he organized, 频繁的祝福, 和圣体游行.

It 是 when he set up numerous adoration chapels that he experienced the depth of the lepers' faith and devotion. Related to the establishment of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration on the island, 达米安神父于1888年写信给他的省, “这是我们第十五年举行夜拜...我们都是麻风病人."

达米安神父为圣餐而活. It 是 this strong apostleship that filled the lives of the lepers. Their Eucharistic adoration 是 an edifying homage to the Lord. 他写信给他的兄弟, “没有我们神圣导师的持续存在, I would never be able to cast my lot with that of the lepers."


Five years after becoming a victim of the dreaded disease, 达米安神父于4月15日安详去世, 1889, 在圣周开始的时候. 6月4日, 1995, Pope John Paul II declared Father 达明 Blessed and established his Feast Day as May 10.

Very few missionaries receive gratitude and high public honor for their dedication and zeal. We, 圣心会, 有理由感到骄傲, 因此, 这所高中不仅是以他的名字命名的, but that also there stands a statue in his honor in a very exclusive gallery, 美国国会大厦的雕像大厅, 华盛顿, DC.


向圣致敬. 达明

亲爱的圣达米安, you were sent away to school in a region where you didn’t speak the language and people tried to bully you because of it. We pray for those who are bullied whether at school or at work or in whatever situation. 愿他们像你一样不接受吗. 我们特别为(提及你的请求)祈祷。.

亲爱的圣达米安, you loved your parents but you loved God more. You knew God 是 calling you to the priesthood and you answered that call although you knew your parents had other hopes of you. May we put God first and never refuse his call because of any other attachment. 我们特别为(提及你的请求)祈祷。.

亲爱的圣达米安, 你放弃了家庭, 去传教的国家和语言, knowing that you would never see your home or family again. Accord us something of your courage and clear-sightedness. 我们特别为(提及你的请求)祈祷。.

亲爱的圣达米安, in Hawaii you worked tirelessly, giving everything to make Christ known. 我们祈祷我们能像你一样珍视我们的信仰. 我们特别为(提及你的请求)祈祷。.

亲爱的圣达米安, when you went to 莫洛凯岛 you were prepared to give up your life to serve others. Help us to understand this Christian love and begin to desire it for ourselves. 我们特别为(提及你的请求)祈祷。.

亲爱的圣达米安, when you first arrived in the leper colony you were revolted by the patients, but you didn’t let them see this and continued to work for them. 我们祈祷拥有这种精神,这样我们就可以把别人放在第一位, 考虑他们的需要和感受,而不是我们自己的. 我们特别为(提及你的请求)祈祷。.

亲爱的圣达米安, you didn’t deal well with bureaucracy and often offended people by your brusqueness. 你得学会请求原谅. May we never think God cannot use us because of our character, and may we too have the humility to ask pardon of those we have offended. 我们特别为(提及你的请求)祈祷。.

亲爱的圣达米安, you suffered greatly on 莫洛凯岛 because you were cut off from the sacraments, 尤其是和解的圣礼. May we understand the importance of this sacrament and have recourse to it often. 我们特别为(提及你的请求)祈祷。.

亲爱的圣达米安, you suffered terrible loneliness and turned to the Blessed Sacrament for comfort. 我们为所有孤独的人祈祷. 帮助我们把时间花在我们认识的孤独的人身上, 并在圣体中给基督时间. 我们特别为(提及你的请求)祈祷。.

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